Friday 1 February 2013

More floods and little progress with the build

The demolition took 5 working days to complete. It was done between 16/01/2013 and 23/01/2013. Our demolition guy took a day off to go to Melbourne for the Tough Mudder event.

If he waited until one day after the demolition he could have had the event on our site!


Queensland had another massive flood. Our thoughts are with those people that have been affected.

In appreciation for putting up with our demolition works, the LW made some nice hampers and delivered them to our neighbours .


A post-demolition soil test was carried out on Monday (21/01/2013). We received the results the next Tuesday (29/01/2013). It was a bit of a shock as the slab indication came back as p-class i.e. the worst kind of soil <unhappy> (the pre-demolition soil test indicated an m-class slab). The test was labelled ‘preliminary’ as the demolition was still in progress and access to the site was limited.

The engineering guidance, based on the preliminary soil test, came back today (1/2/2013). The worst case scenario, as advised by our builder, is that an additional 24 piers would be required (taking the total number of piers to 54). A worst case pier depth would mean an extra $3,750. Phew, not too bad, and much better than expected…


Our builder, completely unprompted, commissioned another soil test (these guys are pretty thorough). We walked around the site today (1/2/2013) and noticed some vehicle tracks and loose dirt. The 3rd soil test must have been done! Crossing fingers (i.e. ‘holding thumbs’ in my culture) for a good result.

 cross fingers

It looks like our plans will be going to council next Monday (4/2/2013) or Tuesday (5/2/2013). Approval is expected within 10 working days (~19/2/2013). The site cut is likely to take place in parallel.

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